[Cryptlib] Some SSH issues with the new release...
Stephen Hurd
2018-03-13 01:51:39 UTC
So the first issue is that a read timeout of zero doesn't work... it
appears to be due to select() never being called in ioWait() when
timeout==0... the following patch solves that issue:

--- io/tcp.c.orig       2018-03-12 13:47:37.385998000 -0400
+++ io/tcp.c    2018-03-12 13:48:12.696032000 -0400
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@
                return( status );
        LOOP_MED( ( selectIterations = 0, status = SOCKET_ERROR ), \
                          isSocketError( status ) && \
-                               !checkMonoTimerExpired( &timerInfo ) && \
+                               (selectIterations == 0 ||
!checkMonoTimerExpired( &timerInfo )) && \
                                selectIterations < 20,
                          selectIterations++ )

Next up is the Go SSH client here:
https://github.com/evanphx/ssh/blob/master/client.go which has a client
identifier of "SSH-2.0-Go", which is too short to be allowed... it says
it's a "Fork of go's ssh lib" which I couldn't find with a quick search,
but I have had clients using it try to connect.

--- session/ssh.c.orig    2018-03-12 21:28:40.049142000 -0400
+++ session/ssh.c    2018-03-12 21:28:57.425639000 -0400
@@ -306,8 +306,8 @@

     /* Make sure that we got enough data to work with.  We need at least
        "SSH-" (ID, size SSH_ID_SIZE) + "x.y-" (protocol version) +
-       (software version/ID, of which the shortest-known is "ConfD") */
-    if( length < SSH_ID_SIZE + 9 || length > SSH_ID_MAX_SIZE )
+       (software version/ID, of which the shortest-known is "Go") */
+    if( length < SSH_ID_SIZE + 6 || length > SSH_ID_MAX_SIZE )
         retExt( CRYPT_ERROR_BADDATA,

The final issue I'm having that I don't have a fix for is that the first
time I use cryptPopData() on a new SSH session after pushing some data,
it uses the write timeout rather than the read timeout.  I've worked
around it by select()ing for write before calling cryptFlushData(), and
setting the write timeout to zero, but I'm not really crazy about that
as a long-term solution.
Peter Gutmann
2018-03-13 09:10:37 UTC
Stephen Hurd <***@sasktel.net> writes:

So the first issue is that a read timeout of zero doesn't work... it appears
to be due to select() never being called in ioWait() when timeout==0... the
Ah, thanks!
https://github.com/evanphx/ssh/blob/master/client.go which has a client
identifier of "SSH-2.0-Go", which is too short to be allowed...
Thanks, fixed.
The final issue I'm having that I don't have a fix for is that the first time
I use cryptPopData() on a new SSH session after pushing some data, it uses
the write timeout rather than the read timeout. I've worked around it by
select() ing for write before calling cryptFlushData(), and setting the write
timeout to zero, but I'm not really crazy about that as a long-term solution.
Hmm, can you provide more details on how to reproduce this? Running the self-
test code, the first call to cryptPopData() goes via the MESSAGE_ENV_POPDATA
handler in cryptses.c, which calls getSessionData() in session/sess_rw.c,
which does a:

sioctlSet( &sessionInfoPtr->stream, STREAM_IOCTL_READTIMEOUT,
sessionInfoPtr->readTimeout );

right at the start. readSocketFunction() then uses that timeout for the read.

(Not sure how interesting the technical discussion will be for the list as a
whole, we can also continue in private email).


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