[Cryptlib] cryptlib and Websockets
Peter Gutmann
2018-10-26 04:26:49 UTC
cryptlib 3.4.4.x has included support for TLS Websockets. This code is
present but not documented yet because the Websockets standard is sufficiently
flexible that there could be all manner of unusual interpretations of it out

To enable the use of Websockets in the code, build with -DUSE_WEBSOCKETS.

To enable the use of Websockets for an SSL/TLS session, set the
CRYPT_SESSINFO_SSL_WSPROTOCOL attribute, which defines the Websockets protocol
in use. For example for MQTT set:

cryptSetAttributeString( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_SSL_WSPROTOCOL,
"mqtt", 4 );

This works for both client and server-side sessions, and enables the use of
Websockets over SSL/TLS.

If anyone runs into any problems talking to particular clients or servers, let
me know. Being able to send messages to the device that has the issue would
be useful, since there's a lot of interesting things that Websockets systems
can in theory do that aren't easy to predict in advance.

In addition when built in debug mode, cryptlib will output a debug trace of
packets and errors encountered.


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